House For A Couple Of Art Lovers.

Back and tired after a rather enjoyable visit to Aberdeen.

Saturday morning was spent walking around stained glass filled churches; ramshackle music halls and brilliant poster exhibitions. Come the afternoon and we boarded the inevitable Megabus to go North - both to wish my dad a happy birthday and to see my friend Gabi's work - which was my parents' idea, seeing as they're patrons of the arts these days.

Seems that, now two of their children have got through art school and moved onto entirely un-arty jobs, my mum and dad have actually learnt to appreciate art to the extent they're pretty much my friend's biggest fans. Not that I can fault their acumen for sniffing out an investment - Gabi has been in the paper as one of the 20 best artists in Scotland.

Aside from that, the past weekend was one of eating plums fresh from the tree; enjoying unseasonably warm weather and being treated to meals that could feed a reasonably sized family for a couple of days.

Good stuff, really.

And now, as Tinka has a monitor, we can waste days playing Diablo II.

I may get really boring soon...

Dave xx


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Official NaNoWriMo 2003 Participant

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