Left To My Own Devices.


My god, how I've grown to loathe that word recently. Not that I'm sick of having to tolerate something in a personal sense, I hasten to add, just before Tinka beats me up - more the misuse or misapplication of the word so liberally recently.

If I hear one more MP banging on about how "Britain is a tolerant country but...", then I'm going to forget about turning the other cheek and batter them to death with a copy of the Observer.

Being a tolerant country isn't a compliment; it isn't a good thing. It's not even close to that. Being a tolerant country means you put up with a hell of a lot of crap for years before snapping. Like India did under several decades of bloody-minded gin-fuelled idiocy at the hands of the British Empire.

So, next time you hear somebody on Question Time moaning about women in veils and how Britain is a tolerant country but... please kick in the TV.

And it will, at least, mean you don't do the same when Torchwood resorts to yet another aerial shot of Cardiff in lieu of a storyline that took more than two minutes to write. (Or the makers of Robin Hood two months.)

Sorry - it's been a while since I wrote anything even vaguely ranty and I figured I'd better keep my oar in.

Still no internet, you'll have realised, but I do have my health and enough reading material to last me several decades.

Anyway - a quick recap of the last two months: Reading, eating, galleries, cooking, Diablo II, eating, reading, cooking, Diablo II, galleries, eating, cooking, Civilization III, reading, galleries. And a bunch of walking and stuff.

Not bad, it must be said.

Dave xx


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