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2002-07-17 - We can rebuild him - faster, stronger....
2002-10-30 - I need to find something to talk about, clearly.
2002-10-29 - Jetlag and crap weather make Dave a dull boy.
2002-10-27 - Now, if that happened in a dream it would be freaky...
2002-10-26 - Spooky in the sunshine.
2002-10-25 - Just to keep you happy.
2002-10-24 - In the warmth of the sun
2002-10-23 - It's my party and I'll cry if I want to.
2002-10-22 - Christmas comes but twice a year.
2002-10-21 - Too may miles in the world right now.
2002-10-20 - Tired but Happy.
2002-10-19 - White Wedding
2002-10-18 - Pre-wedding jitters.
2002-10-17 - Golden Brown (down one side)
2002-10-16 - My boys are back in town
2002-10-15 - Boozy Tuesday
2002-10-14 - Turkish delight?
2002-10-13 - Leaving on a Jetplane (too early in the morning)
2002-10-12 - Huh? Yah?
2002-10-11 - A Toothy Grin
2002-10-10 - If you can dream - and not make dreams your master.
2002-10-09 - Even a monkey would be better than that.
2002-10-08 - Gush, gush.
2002-10-07 - New York Stories and other links
2002-10-06 - Evian. Sparkling, not still.
2002-10-05 - Congratulations and tight leather pants.
2002-10-04 - Art is Cheap
2002-10-03 - Strange Days (well, I'm reading William Gibson...)
2002-10-02 - Wait a minute Mr Postman.
2002-10-01 - Pop Will Eat Itself.

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