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2002-07-17 - I'm not evil, just misunderstood.
2004-09-29 - Just Shut Me Up.
2004-09-28 - Imitation is the Sincerest Form of Flattery.
2004-09-27 - Dumb but Beautiful
2004-09-25 - Razzmatazz
2004-09-24 - Scottish Fiction.
2004-09-23 - Better Than Elvis?
2004-09-22 - Sometimes, I just want to slap myself...
2004-09-21 - I Can't Believe A Moron Didn't Think Of This.
2004-09-20 - Random Chatter.
2004-09-19 - Vietnam or Dunkirk?
2004-09-18 - Devouring Literature
2004-09-17 - Celebrity Stalker.
2004-09-16 - Ouchy Boo Boo
2004-09-15 - Love is the Drug.
2004-09-14 - He's a 20th Century boy...
2004-09-13 - Everyone's a Critic.
2004-09-12 - There's Klingons on the Starboard Bow.
2004-09-11 - A Twist in the Tale.
2004-09-10 - Making a drama out of a crisis.
2004-09-09 - I'm a Bitch.
2004-09-08 - Crush With Eyeliner.
2004-09-07 - Popcorn for One.
2004-09-06 - Can I Take You To The Cinema?
2004-09-05 - Not exactly a musical genius, but...
2004-09-04 - We got ourselves a reader.
2004-09-03 - People Are Strange.
2004-09-02 - Cheney's still Number 2.
2004-09-01 - 20,000 leagues under the sea.

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