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2002-07-17 - Sitting on someone else's couch for a change.
2004-08-30 - How old am I again?
2004-08-29 - Scary Monsters.
2004-08-28 - The Enemy Within.
2004-08-27 - Hammer Time.
2004-08-26 - Mary Had A Little Lamb...
2004-08-25 - Like Mother, Like Son
2004-08-24 - The Times, They Are A Changin'
2004-08-23 - Home Cooking.
2004-08-22 - Homeward Bound.
2004-08-21 - Methinks the piggy protests too much.
2004-08-19 - Act of God my arse.
2004-08-18 - Fish Cakes.
2004-08-17 - Oh dad, she's driving me mad.
2004-08-16 - Busy Doing Nothing.
2004-08-15 - Dammit, Janet.
2004-08-13 - This could be a case for Mulder and Scully.
2004-08-12 - Our Friends In The North.
2004-08-11 - Sign o' the Times.
2004-08-10 - You Are Feeling Sleepy...
2004-08-09 - Don't Look Back in Anger.
2004-08-08 - The Law's an Ass.
2004-08-07 - Evil Heat.
2004-08-06 - Let Me Clear My Throat.
2004-08-05 - "I have come here to kick ass and to chew gum! And I'm all out of gum."
2004-08-04 - Putting Somebody's Nose Out of Joint.
2004-08-03 - Give me liberty, or give me accurate spelling.
2004-08-02 - Bouncing off the walls.

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