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2002-07-17 - There's more to life than books you know...
2002-05-30 - Hot Topic.
2002-05-29 - A shocking decision and a story in dubious taste.
2002-05-28 - Gratuitous Nudity.
2002-05-27 - Mylar and Denim Cut-offs
2002-05-26 - Time Waits For No Man
2002-05-25 - Noone ever said it was going to be easy
2002-05-24 - Writing stuff on the palm of my hand.
2002-05-23 - Blame the Parents
2002-05-22 - Oedipus Rex and the 51st State
2002-05-21 - Waiting for the Great Leap Forwards
2002-05-20 - Road to nowhere
2002-05-19 - Mad cow sheep disease
2002-05-18 - Do, or do not - God bless America
2002-05-17 - Move along, nothing to see here...
2002-05-16 - Get on the bus
2002-05-15 - Randy Scouse Git
2002-05-14 - Any title I'm thinking of is far too rude to actually post.
2002-05-13 - Get into the groove.
2002-05-12 - Marvin
2002-05-11 - Burn, burn, burn, in the ring of fire.
2002-05-10 - In case of fire, aim for the bushes.
2002-05-09 - Glasgow Kiss
2002-05-08 - Franklin Mint are evil
2002-05-07 - Technical inexpertise
2002-05-06 - Every day is like Sunday
2002-05-05 - Keep turning over until both sides are well done.
2002-05-04 - Moan, moan...we was robbed...
2002-05-03 - Vote or vote not, there is no abstain.
2002-05-02 - You're a big man, but you're out of shape
2002-05-01 - Cranial kitchenroll

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