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2002-07-17 - Almost as funny as George Bush...
2002-03-30 - Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No, it's a couch potato!
2002-03-29 - "Look at that! Look how she moves! That's just like Jell-O on springs. Must have some sort of built-in motor or something. I tell you, it's a whole different sex!"
2002-03-28 - Goodbye, goodbye
2002-03-27 - No time to think till tomorrow
2002-03-26 - Sunny Day...
2002-03-25 - Not Funny
2002-03-24 - Bear With A Sore Head
2002-03-23 - In The Flesh
2002-03-22 - Very, very, frightening indeed!
2002-03-21 - We Don't Need Another Hero
2002-03-20 - Kick Me
2002-03-19 - A weekend of two halves
2002-03-19 - Curling up to die.
2002-03-14 - Calm down, calm down
2002-03-13 - Caffeine on tap
2002-03-12 - Poet's Corner
2002-03-11 - Now I know why phones vibrate...
2002-03-10 - And it's goodnight from him...
2002-03-09 - Reality Bites, oh yes it does.
2002-03-08 - Postcards from the edge
2002-03-07 - Call Me
2002-03-06 - Aneurysm
2002-03-05 - Mad dogs and Englishmen
2002-03-04 - Art attack
2002-03-03 - Nothing ever lasts forever
2002-03-02 - 5...4...3...2...1...Blast Off!
2002-03-01 - Some questionable points of interest

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