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2002-07-17 - Bad News, Bad Hair, Bad Costume.
2003-03-30 - Wargames and culture.
2003-03-29 - I want, I want, I want.
2003-03-28 - Random moans, gripes and birthday wishes.
2003-03-27 - "Fly my prettys, fly" (I was sure the Witch said that...ah well.)
2003-03-26 - Blank Cheques and Balances.
2003-03-25 - Getting my priorities straight.
2003-03-24 - A Little Less Conversation.
2003-03-23 - If You're Feeling Sinister.
2003-03-22 - Stop the war, I want to get off...
2003-03-21 - Lies, damn lies and politics.
2003-03-20 - "Do not adjust your set..."
2003-03-19 - Vote of No Confidence.
2003-03-18 - At My Signal... Unleash Hell.
2003-03-17 - "The abuse of greatness is when it disjoins remorse from power" Jul. Caesar, Act ii, Sc.1
2003-03-16 - I have an ouchy boo-boo in my head.
2003-03-15 - It's Miller time (and vodka time and bacardi time...)
2003-03-14 - "I'm his gardener"...hmm, is that what they're calling it now?
2003-03-13 - If humans were any more stupid we'd be extinct.
2003-03-12 - Apparently Nothing.
2003-03-11 - Big Brother is trying to watch you.
2003-03-10 - The First Casualties of War are Politicians.
2003-03-09 - We always hurt the ones we love.
2003-03-08 - Once upon a time...
2003-03-07 - Dark Forces at work
2003-03-06 - Scottish Fiction.
2003-03-05 - War of words.
2003-03-04 - Battle scars.
2003-03-03 - Surprise, surprise?
2003-03-02 - The Land of the Free...
2003-03-01 - The Dismemberment Plan.

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