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2002-07-17 - Myxomatosis
2003-05-30 - I've never played D+D.
2003-05-29 - In case you missed it, I am a geek.
2003-05-28 - She Sells Sanctuary (I had to use it, didn't I?)
2003-05-27 - I'd like to buy the world a Bud.
2003-05-26 - Demis Rousos
2003-05-25 - Couch Pomme de Terre
2003-05-24 - Walk Like A Man
2003-05-23 - Plumbing the depths.
2003-05-22 - Heroic failure and cowardly victory.
2003-05-21 - America is Orange (I was red)
2003-05-20 - 15 minutes of fame and a conviction for prostitution?
2003-05-19 - I'll scweam and scweam until I'm bloody sick.
2003-05-18 - This DVD will self-destruct in 5 seconds...
2003-05-17 - Wake Up Boo.
2003-05-16 - Betty Davis Robert Smith Eyes.
2003-05-15 - Blue Moon.
2003-05-14 - Bullet Proof...I Wish I Was.
2003-05-13 - Looks like rain.
2003-05-11 - Possession is 9/10's of the Law.
2003-05-10 - Let's make lots of money.
2003-05-09 - Go in with all guns blazing.
2003-05-08 - Lost for words.
2003-05-07 - Jesus Hairdo.
2003-05-06 - A bit of a moan about movies.
2003-05-05 - Smartarse and proud of it.
2003-05-04 - Backhanders, brains and beer.
2003-05-03 - Dare to be Different.
2003-05-02 - Silent but Deadly.
2003-05-01 - Animal Rites.

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