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2002-07-17 - Casualty Figures.
2004-01-30 - Banging My head Against A Brick Wall.
2004-01-29 - All Over Bar The Shouting.
2004-01-28 - Say My Name, Bitch.
2004-01-27 - Highly Evolved.
2004-01-26 - Funny? I almost laughed...
2004-01-25 - Great chieftain o the puddin'-race!
2004-01-24 - Real Ale.
2004-01-23 - Minority Report.
2004-01-22 - Let's Get Physical.
2004-01-21 - This entry contains frequent geek horror and swearing and may be unsuitable for audiences of a discerning disposition.
2004-01-20 - Dental Plan?
2004-01-19 - Suntory Time.
2004-01-17 - Per Ardua Ad Astra
2004-01-16 - Take Me To Your Leader.
2004-01-15 - Polaroids from the Dead.
2004-01-14 - "God! Do you even know your daughter? There's no way she likes that song! Oop, is she in a coma?"
2004-01-13 - All the news that I see fit to print.
2004-01-12 - T.V. Eye.
2004-01-11 - Cheese and Wine.
2004-01-10 - Exercise is habit forming.
2004-01-09 - If It Ain't Broke...
2004-01-08 - It's Getting Hot In Here.
2004-01-07 - The Smoking Gun.
2004-01-06 - Life On Mars.
2004-01-05 - Buggering public internet access.
2004-01-04 - I'm branching out.
2004-01-03 - Don't take sweets from strangers.
2004-01-02 - A New Morning.

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