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2002-07-17 - I.O.U. Nothing (Bros? I'm quoting Bros? Sheesh...)
2002-11-29 - Coffee and TV
2002-11-28 - Three times Nine.
2002-11-27 - I'll do it anyway.
2002-11-26 - This entry was (apparently) brought to you by the Guardian...
2002-11-25 - Art for art's sake.
2002-11-24 - Lips as Red as Blood
2002-11-23 - Big Dumb TV Junkie
2002-11-22 - Burger Wars.
2002-11-21 - Heart Shaped Box
2002-11-20 - Street fighting man
2002-11-19 - We are all made of stars
2002-11-18 - North by North East (I know it's west - God, some people are so pedantic)
2002-11-17 - Who watches the Watchmen?
2002-11-16 - Hey, ho, the Witch is dead.
2002-11-15 - Panic on the streets of London...
2002-11-14 - Flippant Analysis.
2002-11-13 - When you wish upon a star
2002-11-12 - Out of the freezer and into the fire
2002-11-11 - Red Right Hand
2002-11-10 - I think I should go and play D+D on my current form.
2002-11-09 - Phantom Limb.
2002-11-08 - Saint Shrub
2002-11-07 - Nah, I'm just not going to go in today...
2002-11-06 - Special Effects-Laden Entry.
2002-11-05 - Saint Cliff and P0rn (I'm practically begging for Google hits today...)
2002-11-04 - Hotline to the President?
2002-11-03 - The Tale of the Ancient Mariner
2002-11-02 - Blame Canada (and their huge logs)
2002-11-01 - Don't go into the woodshed! (At least not in those heels.)

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