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2002-07-17 - I'm feeling very sick and ill today
2002-12-30 - Two go in, one comes out.
2002-12-29 - David Boring
2002-12-28 - I've seen the future... and its hair sucks.
2002-12-27 - Back to the old house
2002-12-26 - Picking over the turkey bones of christmas
2002-12-23 - Merry Christmas...Everyone
2002-12-22 - If Santa can go round the world in one night, why can't I?
2002-12-21 - Pa rum-pum-pum pum
2002-12-20 - Size Isn't Everything.
2002-12-19 - A Boy Needs A Hobby...
2002-12-18 - The End Is Not Today
2002-12-17 - The morning after the night after the night before
2002-12-16 - Disco Inferno was Dante's next chapter.
2002-12-15 - The Office (party)
2002-12-14 - Falling Stars.
2002-12-13 - School's Out
2002-12-12 - Do You Mind If I Smoke?
2002-12-11 - Shaves as close as a solar powered satellite-mounted laser or your money back.
2002-12-10 - They Shoot Doves, Don't They?
2002-12-09 - "My 5 year old daughter could do better than that!" (well, not mine, obviously.)
2002-12-08 - Your Disco Needs You
2002-12-07 - All I want for Christmas is you (Bros and Mariah in one week?)
2002-12-06 - What the hell is figgy pudding anyway?
2002-12-05 - Viva Middle Earth
2002-12-04 - You may have already won...
2002-12-03 - Crash, bang, wallop.
2002-12-02 - The Truth About Libel.
2002-12-01 - Camp David

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