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2002-07-17 - Season of the Witch.
2003-10-30 - Share issues.
2003-10-29 - Worship the Golden Arches.
2003-10-28 - Disco 2000 RIP
2003-10-27 - Things that go bump in the night.
2003-10-26 - Simple Pleasures...
2003-10-25 - Let's Rave On.
2003-10-24 - Up, up and away.
2003-10-23 - We're off to see the surgeon, the wonderful surgeon of...
2003-10-22 - Writing a lot, saying a little.
2003-10-21 - It's like rain on your wedding day...
2003-10-20 - All Filler, No Killer.
2003-10-18 - More memes about me (try saying that 3 times quickly).
2003-10-17 - Do the Bartman.
2003-10-16 - Straight Eye For The Queer Guy.
2003-10-15 - New Generation.
2003-10-14 - Everyone else is doing it, so why can't we?*
2003-10-13 - I used to be such a sweet, Church of Scotland attending, boy.
2003-10-12 - We'll be back after these important messages.
2003-10-11 - We come in peace (shoot to kill)
2003-10-10 - And the winner is...
2003-10-09 - Ignorance is Bliss, apparently...
2003-10-08 - Blame Austria
2003-10-07 - The Running Man
2003-10-06 - Animal Rights.
2003-10-05 - How soon is now?
2003-10-04 - Sophisticated Boom Boom
2003-10-03 - B.E. Agressive
2003-10-02 - Name and Shame
2003-10-01 - Generation Terrorists.

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