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2002-07-17 - Sowing the Seeds of Love.
2003-07-30 - Starsky and Hutch eat your heart out.
2003-07-29 - Moldy Peaches. (I've even used the American spelling - see how magnanimous I am?)
2003-07-28 - "...but we only have fourteen hours to save the Earth!"
2003-07-27 - It's not all bad, you know?
2003-07-26 - Eee, By Gum.
2003-07-25 - Hello, hello, it's good to be back (yeah, it's only been three days. Your point?)
2003-07-21 - Interlude.
2003-07-20 - Computer Love.
2003-07-19 - Just looking. (oh crap - and I hate Stereophonics, too...)
2003-07-18 - Boys Keep Swinging.
2003-07-17 - Some witty title concerning a strange scottish creature becoming a tourist attraction...
2003-07-16 - Pop Culture Vulture.
2003-07-15 - Deep Fried in Kelvin (I've used this title before, but it fits)
2003-07-14 - Skin deep.
2003-07-13 - Is this the way the future's meant to feel, or just 20 thousand people in a field?
2003-07-12 - What to do in the event of a commemorative doll attack.
2003-07-11 - There's more to life than books you know?
2003-07-10 - I'm the unknown stuntman that made Redford such a star.
2003-07-09 - Shiver me timbers.
2003-07-08 - Parental Guidance.
2003-07-07 - The Devil has all the best tunes.
2003-07-06 - The Cat in the Bowler Hat.
2003-07-05 - Can't Get Enough Of Your Love.
2003-07-04 - Doctor Who Villains.
2003-07-03 - Last Night
2003-07-02 - Rich Little Poor Kid.
2003-07-01 - The Quick Brown Fox Jumps Over The Lazy, Inbred Git.

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