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2002-07-17 - Is it a bird? Is it a pla...what's that smell?
2004-04-29 - Coo-coo-cachoo.
2004-04-28 - Going over the lines.
2004-04-27 - Going Postal.
2004-04-26 - Preaching to the Converted. Loudly.
2004-04-25 - Sunshine In Orange County.
2004-04-24 - Can you teach an old cat new tricks?
2004-04-23 - First Love.
2004-04-22 - Media Intrusion.
2004-04-21 - A Friend of the Band.
2004-04-20 - All work and no play...
2004-04-19 - Fight For Your Right To Party.
2004-04-18 - So says Shiney Suga.
2004-04-17 - Watergate under the bridge.
2004-04-16 - Spinal Injuries (OK, it's a crap pun - sue me).
2004-04-15 - In need of further education.
2004-04-14 - Life, the Universe and Everything.
2004-04-13 - Boy zone.
2004-04-12 - Date With The Night.
2004-04-11 - Dead Men Telling Tales.
2004-04-10 - Retrospective
2004-04-09 - Jesus Hairdo.
2004-04-08 - A Load of Pants.
2004-04-07 - Dry, Unmanageable Hair.
2004-04-06 - I Rite Gud, Aparently.
2004-04-05 - Trumping While Rome Burns.
2004-04-04 - Rained Off.
2004-04-03 - I Want Doesn't Get.
2004-04-02 - Not Quite Navel Gazing.
2004-04-01 - The Goose That Laid The Plutonium Egg.

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