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2002-07-17 - Alien Propaganda
2003-11-29 - Well, I've still got a few years left then...
2003-11-28 - 4 x 7
2003-11-27 - Interesting weather and film-star jealousy.
2003-11-26 - Start with a bang...
2003-11-25 - 4REAL
2003-11-24 - Swing low, sweet chario...oh shut up.
2003-11-23 - I never understood those insect bits either.
2003-11-22 - Flash Art.
2003-11-21 - Guernica
2003-11-20 - Football? No - no football game last night, no sir.
2003-11-19 - Privates on Parade.
2003-11-18 - One For The Ladieez
2003-11-17 - You just have to be crazy, don't you?
2003-11-16 - Star of Wonder.
2003-11-15 - Painting by Numbers.
2003-11-14 - "Yeah...I'm friends with, drummer?"
2003-11-13 - I'm (not actually) a lumberjack...(and I don't suit plaid)
2003-11-12 - Repetitive Eye Strain.
2003-11-11 - Yankees go home (not all of you, obviously...)
2003-11-10 - Couch Potato.
2003-11-09 - Patron of the Arts.
2003-11-08 - Closing the book.
2003-11-07 - Sleep is overrated anyway.
2003-11-06 - Date With The Night.
2003-11-05 - Me, Myself and I.
2003-11-04 - Busy doing nothing
2003-11-03 - Bring 'em on?
2003-11-02 - Based on the Novel by...
2003-11-01 - "My god, it's full of stars."

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